i'm a total nerd but i feel like joining the club of nerds who are out to tell the world... Kenneth Branagh's "Hamlet" deserves to be on DVD! it's four hours of frigging inTENSE iambic pentameter. i mean, this guy had me pinned to my seat in high school - dagger to his temple questioning the merits of living in suffering over courageous uncertain suicide... who wouldn't want to be able to scene-hop and pause and start the whole thing over again without having to rewind? geeze. check this out:
to be or not to be, that is the question. whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. to die, to sleep. no more. and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. tis a consumation devoutly to be wished. to die, to sleep. to sleep - perchance to dream, aye there's the rub. for in the sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life.
all by memory. not quite halfway, but that's just one afternoon's work - while at my job, no less! (please don't check it next to the real text as i totally ignored punctuation and probably got some of it wrong...) i think everyone should have some poetry memorized. it does a body good.
the boy is at the theatre watching his Dawn of the Dead DVD on the fancy schmancy digital projector, but as i had seen that three too many times (3 being the number of times i have seen it), i decided to come home and mess around with you. thanks, SG.
to be or not to be, that is the question. whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. to die, to sleep. no more. and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. tis a consumation devoutly to be wished. to die, to sleep. to sleep - perchance to dream, aye there's the rub. for in the sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life.
all by memory. not quite halfway, but that's just one afternoon's work - while at my job, no less! (please don't check it next to the real text as i totally ignored punctuation and probably got some of it wrong...) i think everyone should have some poetry memorized. it does a body good.
the boy is at the theatre watching his Dawn of the Dead DVD on the fancy schmancy digital projector, but as i had seen that three too many times (3 being the number of times i have seen it), i decided to come home and mess around with you. thanks, SG.
i'll bring some virtual bubble bath.... and fancy lighting of course!
although, i have virtually wandering hands...