Long time, no write.
I had another poem accepted for publication, which is good, what with the chapbook coming out this year. I also finished my second manuscript recently and started pimping it around to various chapbook contests to start out with. I think it might be a bit early, that their should be more revision of it as a unit as opposed to individual pieces, but yeah. We'll see what happens with these entries.
My dad had his appointment yesterday for the results of his biopsy, and they hadn't finished the lab work. Gotta love the VA. The longer this thing progresses, the harder it seems for him to keep his disarmingly fervent PMA. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, or how I feel about. Or how I feel about any of this.
I started re-reading The Sound and the Fury for shits and giggles. Every time I pick up Faulkner, it's like I'm at church. Or Disneyland. But sadder. And without stupid rollercoasters and 6-foot rats. Wait, what?
15.5 days till I'm back in the States. That makes me very happy and a little sad. I think a lot of my sadness is that this romantic ex-patriate writer experiment turned out so poorly. I guess I'm not destined to be Ezra Pound after all. JK. Srsly. I'm an American. That's a very strange thing for me to realize, but it's really amazingly comforting. Sure the US is totally fucked up in a lot of ways, but so are all the countries that I've been to over here in their own ways. Plus, well, I don't know what. That's just how it is. This does not, however, infringe upon my Southern pride in the slightest. Yeehaw.
Okay, bye.

I had another poem accepted for publication, which is good, what with the chapbook coming out this year. I also finished my second manuscript recently and started pimping it around to various chapbook contests to start out with. I think it might be a bit early, that their should be more revision of it as a unit as opposed to individual pieces, but yeah. We'll see what happens with these entries.
My dad had his appointment yesterday for the results of his biopsy, and they hadn't finished the lab work. Gotta love the VA. The longer this thing progresses, the harder it seems for him to keep his disarmingly fervent PMA. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, or how I feel about. Or how I feel about any of this.
I started re-reading The Sound and the Fury for shits and giggles. Every time I pick up Faulkner, it's like I'm at church. Or Disneyland. But sadder. And without stupid rollercoasters and 6-foot rats. Wait, what?
15.5 days till I'm back in the States. That makes me very happy and a little sad. I think a lot of my sadness is that this romantic ex-patriate writer experiment turned out so poorly. I guess I'm not destined to be Ezra Pound after all. JK. Srsly. I'm an American. That's a very strange thing for me to realize, but it's really amazingly comforting. Sure the US is totally fucked up in a lot of ways, but so are all the countries that I've been to over here in their own ways. Plus, well, I don't know what. That's just how it is. This does not, however, infringe upon my Southern pride in the slightest. Yeehaw.
Okay, bye.


I am having to drive like 3 hours to see it