A lot of things have happened lately.
The most important : I'm writing more and more, and I'm drawing more and more.
But I also made up my mind concerning the style of massage I will practicize later (yeah, I precise : non therapeutical, non medical massage).
- the most important one will be Esalen massage. I've seen some videos about it and I really like it. I will have to go to Scotland during 1 month, but it's not a bad thing. On top of that, it's not such an expensive formation when compared to some others
- I will also take up Sit up massage classes (M. Elke method) : it will be a rather brief formation (just a week end), but since it's quite well known I hope I will be able to work in some places like the famous Massage Cafe next year
- I will have another stage of californian massage. This time I'll do it with the Miki School. Thanks to this, I should have a fair level in this style of massage, which is a bit too scripted for me (well, at least the style of massage I learnt the first time was too scripted). Maybe I will learn how to massage with some herbal bags with them too. They are not expensive and quite well know. The only drawback is that they are not affiliated with a massage association (well it doesn't matter right now, and they are big enough to beneficiate from a change of law about massage, shall it comes)
- as a back-up, and since I've cancelled my formation with the IFJS too late, I can't be refunded. But I can have another formation with them (which will be much less expensive, meaning I'll save up a lot of money). I will learn relaxinesie. It'll allow me to begin the 1st cycle of formation half course, shall I change my mind
And about shiatsu ? I still don't know about this
The most important : I'm writing more and more, and I'm drawing more and more.
But I also made up my mind concerning the style of massage I will practicize later (yeah, I precise : non therapeutical, non medical massage).
- the most important one will be Esalen massage. I've seen some videos about it and I really like it. I will have to go to Scotland during 1 month, but it's not a bad thing. On top of that, it's not such an expensive formation when compared to some others
- I will also take up Sit up massage classes (M. Elke method) : it will be a rather brief formation (just a week end), but since it's quite well known I hope I will be able to work in some places like the famous Massage Cafe next year
- I will have another stage of californian massage. This time I'll do it with the Miki School. Thanks to this, I should have a fair level in this style of massage, which is a bit too scripted for me (well, at least the style of massage I learnt the first time was too scripted). Maybe I will learn how to massage with some herbal bags with them too. They are not expensive and quite well know. The only drawback is that they are not affiliated with a massage association (well it doesn't matter right now, and they are big enough to beneficiate from a change of law about massage, shall it comes)
- as a back-up, and since I've cancelled my formation with the IFJS too late, I can't be refunded. But I can have another formation with them (which will be much less expensive, meaning I'll save up a lot of money). I will learn relaxinesie. It'll allow me to begin the 1st cycle of formation half course, shall I change my mind
And about shiatsu ? I still don't know about this

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