(je renouvelle mon annonce : je suis en formation et je cherche des cobayes masser xD si vous tes intresss, je peux vous offrir des massages* gratuits : cela peut tre sur table de massage avec huiles, ou un massage assis et habill d'une dizaine de minutes
*massages but non thrapeuthique, non mdical et non kinsithrapeuthique)
It's been a long time since I update my blog. Actually, a lot of things have happenend. But I won't talk about the most important ones, because I guess no one cares -actually, it's just that I want to keep them for myself for the time being. But there are some other things which, I hope, will interest you
- My girlfriend really wish to go to Eurodisney for Halloween, she is found of the nightmare before Christmas (l'trange Nol de monsieur Jack in French) so she just can't miss it. And I love her, and I want to have a lot of memories with her
- I'm taking martial arts lessons, after a break of 4-5 years. I'm doing Krav Maga (which is just so great) and Aikido. Actually, it's quite funny because the philosophy, the ethical of these 2 martial arts are opposite
- I'm beginning to be tired of 6-9 years old children, actually it's not really it... It's just that I miss 3-6 years old children. I was having so much fun with them. On the other hand, some of the 6-9 years old children are just great, it's just that they are not the majority, and there are more and more problems about violence. It's not easy, but well, it's still a great job, and I'm happy to do this instead of marketing / business (I did study those 2)
- Massage (non therapeutical, non medical, non kinesitherapeutical) is something I consider more and more as my true / next job. It's nice to help people, make them relax. I won't stop being an animateur with children (don't know the english word, sorry) on wednesday, but the other days I'll do this
- I've received two Legend of the 5 Rings books. In case you don't know it, it's a role playing game which takes place in the samurai era. It's quite nice
- According to Wii Fit, I should gain at least 4 - 5 kgs so as not to be under weighted anymore. I'm working on it
Thanks for having read this.
And you, what do you think about Halloween ?
Do you practice martial arts ? Which ones ?
What do you really think about your job ?
Do you like cooking ?
*massages but non thrapeuthique, non mdical et non kinsithrapeuthique)
It's been a long time since I update my blog. Actually, a lot of things have happenend. But I won't talk about the most important ones, because I guess no one cares -actually, it's just that I want to keep them for myself for the time being. But there are some other things which, I hope, will interest you

- My girlfriend really wish to go to Eurodisney for Halloween, she is found of the nightmare before Christmas (l'trange Nol de monsieur Jack in French) so she just can't miss it. And I love her, and I want to have a lot of memories with her

- I'm taking martial arts lessons, after a break of 4-5 years. I'm doing Krav Maga (which is just so great) and Aikido. Actually, it's quite funny because the philosophy, the ethical of these 2 martial arts are opposite
- I'm beginning to be tired of 6-9 years old children, actually it's not really it... It's just that I miss 3-6 years old children. I was having so much fun with them. On the other hand, some of the 6-9 years old children are just great, it's just that they are not the majority, and there are more and more problems about violence. It's not easy, but well, it's still a great job, and I'm happy to do this instead of marketing / business (I did study those 2)
- Massage (non therapeutical, non medical, non kinesitherapeutical) is something I consider more and more as my true / next job. It's nice to help people, make them relax. I won't stop being an animateur with children (don't know the english word, sorry) on wednesday, but the other days I'll do this
- I've received two Legend of the 5 Rings books. In case you don't know it, it's a role playing game which takes place in the samurai era. It's quite nice
- According to Wii Fit, I should gain at least 4 - 5 kgs so as not to be under weighted anymore. I'm working on it
Thanks for having read this.
And you, what do you think about Halloween ?
Do you practice martial arts ? Which ones ?
What do you really think about your job ?
Do you like cooking ?
Pour le prince charmant, je pense me marier avec ma peluche, j'en ai un peu ma claque des mecs humains... (jusqu'au prochain, histoire d'avoir un nouveau sujet de plainte ahah *emo inside*)
Et pour ce qui est de la dbauche, n'importe qui de mes potes dans la vraie vie te dira que je suis sage comme une image
Sinon la fac se passe bien, la vie en gnral aussi. Ma mre vient de repartir aprs deux jours chez moi, a m'a fait super plaisir