(je renouvelle mon annonce : je suis en formation et je cherche des cobayes masser xD si vous tes intresss, je peux vous offrir des massages* gratuits : cela peut tre sur table de massage avec huiles, ou un massage rapide assis d'une dizaine de minutes
*massages but non thrapeuthique, non mdical et non kinsithrapeuthique)
On the 15th of July will it be my birthday, but I don't know if I'll celebrate it. The reason why is that I've spent half of this year doing useless things. Watching some TV programs so as to entertain myself, reading some newspaper so that I may feel clever and well-informed, working in places I didn't care just to earn money, trying to learn how to play the guitar because I thought it could help me to attract more girls (because it brands you as an "artist"
) and so on. As if I had, for some times, forgotten my passions and become another person, a cynical one (while I'm probably a stupid, nice, pervert and forgetful one).
But lately it has changed. I've found a novel I wrote when I was younger, remembered how fun it was to do it. And although it lacked of style, I really enjoyed reading it. I've decided to drop all the crappy intellectual stuff I was writing because it was just boring as hell. I've begun to write again what I truly like and it feels so very good
I've watched the anime Comic Party again and it felt great. I also re-read the poetic principle frome Edgar Poe and letters to a young poet from Reiner Maria Rilke and it was quite nice. But the best book I read is Dragons of Summer Flame, from M. Weis and T. Hickman, and I'm really into it currently.
There are some books I like to read again and again : Dragons of Summer Flame is one of them, but there are also the tao of Jeet Kune Do from B. Lee, Les fleurs bleues from R. Queneau, Le sabre et la vie from C. Durix, Le trait des cinq roues from M. Musashi, La ballade de l'impossible from H. Murakami.
And also Paroles from Jacques Prvert, Que le diable l'emporte from E. Colfer, Les clans de la lune alphane from Philip K. Dick, C'est quoi, ce petit boulot ? from N. de Buron, and a lot of San Antonio from F. Dard.
On the other hands, there are some books I read only a few pages from before I throw them in the trash bin.
And you ? Do you read some books again and again ?
Je viens de faire un petit tour sur quelques blogs de membres de Suicide Girls, et je me demande combien nous sommes nous sentir parfois seuls (oui, "seuls" au pluriel
). Pas "sans amis", juste "seuls". Mme si, de mon ct, j'aime plutt bien cette solitude et j'aime bien partager de bons moments avec les autres sans forcment chercher tre compris.
Cela me rappelle ce test http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/102211/how-is-your-soul-pics qui, il y a quelques annes, ma grande surprise, m'avait donn comme rponse "votre me est brise", voyant beaucoup plus clairement en moi que beaucoup de personnes -maintenant, mon me est heureuse ^^
Et vous, quel rsultat obtenez-vous ce test ? Et le rsultat vous convient-il ?
(maintenant mon me est heureuse et cela me convient
Do you suffer from loneliness ? What's your result with this quizz (which isn't from me) : http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/102211/how-is-your-soul-pics ?
*massages but non thrapeuthique, non mdical et non kinsithrapeuthique)
On the 15th of July will it be my birthday, but I don't know if I'll celebrate it. The reason why is that I've spent half of this year doing useless things. Watching some TV programs so as to entertain myself, reading some newspaper so that I may feel clever and well-informed, working in places I didn't care just to earn money, trying to learn how to play the guitar because I thought it could help me to attract more girls (because it brands you as an "artist"

But lately it has changed. I've found a novel I wrote when I was younger, remembered how fun it was to do it. And although it lacked of style, I really enjoyed reading it. I've decided to drop all the crappy intellectual stuff I was writing because it was just boring as hell. I've begun to write again what I truly like and it feels so very good

I've watched the anime Comic Party again and it felt great. I also re-read the poetic principle frome Edgar Poe and letters to a young poet from Reiner Maria Rilke and it was quite nice. But the best book I read is Dragons of Summer Flame, from M. Weis and T. Hickman, and I'm really into it currently.
There are some books I like to read again and again : Dragons of Summer Flame is one of them, but there are also the tao of Jeet Kune Do from B. Lee, Les fleurs bleues from R. Queneau, Le sabre et la vie from C. Durix, Le trait des cinq roues from M. Musashi, La ballade de l'impossible from H. Murakami.
And also Paroles from Jacques Prvert, Que le diable l'emporte from E. Colfer, Les clans de la lune alphane from Philip K. Dick, C'est quoi, ce petit boulot ? from N. de Buron, and a lot of San Antonio from F. Dard.
On the other hands, there are some books I read only a few pages from before I throw them in the trash bin.
And you ? Do you read some books again and again ?
Je viens de faire un petit tour sur quelques blogs de membres de Suicide Girls, et je me demande combien nous sommes nous sentir parfois seuls (oui, "seuls" au pluriel

Cela me rappelle ce test http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/102211/how-is-your-soul-pics qui, il y a quelques annes, ma grande surprise, m'avait donn comme rponse "votre me est brise", voyant beaucoup plus clairement en moi que beaucoup de personnes -maintenant, mon me est heureuse ^^
Et vous, quel rsultat obtenez-vous ce test ? Et le rsultat vous convient-il ?
(maintenant mon me est heureuse et cela me convient

Do you suffer from loneliness ? What's your result with this quizz (which isn't from me) : http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/102211/how-is-your-soul-pics ?
sure I read my favorite books of Marquis of Sade I read again and again

oui faudrait que je t'envoie la recette du carrot cake y a pas de soucis, c'est le meilleur gateau au monde. nan j'aime les francais hehe et les parisiens, aprs question chaleur les quebecquois sont gagnants ! et toi t a pass un bon week end? gros bisouxxx