(je renouvelle mon annonce : je suis en formation et je cherche des cobayes masser xD si vous tes intresss, je peux vous offrir des massages* gratuits : cela peut tre sur table de massage avec huiles, ou un massage rapide assis d'une dizaine de minutes
*massages but non thrapeuthique, non mdical et non kinsithrapeuthique)
Today I've gone to the Japan Expo
It's a French event which, for the first time, has lasted 4 days, and which is about anime and Japanese culture. I was with my girlfriend, it was her first time and she's been very happy about this. I was a little bored actually, and I just sat at a conference point so that I may learn more about Japanese culture (though I don't care about culture usually).
The 1st was about the battle of Sekigahara, and it was just great. I was planning to sleep first, but the speakers were so interesting that, after about 5 minutes of sleep, I just got more and more interested (well, partly because I thought there was some interesting stuff to put in Role Playing Game scenarii).
The 2nd was about Kyoto and it was boring as hell. Actually the speaker did something really linear, and added some bit of what he felt there, of what he saw then, but it was never well organized, so that a lot of people soon lost interest. It's really sad because the speaker was REALLY keen on what he saw and said, but he couldn't share his feelings.
There should have been an iaido initation, but it was cancelled. It's so sad
But I also spent some time hanging around amateur stands, and it was really nice. I really like this, you know, when people share their passion
Maybe you saw me : I was cosplayed in L from Death Note (actually, my girlfriend put me some eye-liner and haired me during half an hour before the convention). And you ?
*massages but non thrapeuthique, non mdical et non kinsithrapeuthique)
Today I've gone to the Japan Expo

It's a French event which, for the first time, has lasted 4 days, and which is about anime and Japanese culture. I was with my girlfriend, it was her first time and she's been very happy about this. I was a little bored actually, and I just sat at a conference point so that I may learn more about Japanese culture (though I don't care about culture usually).
The 1st was about the battle of Sekigahara, and it was just great. I was planning to sleep first, but the speakers were so interesting that, after about 5 minutes of sleep, I just got more and more interested (well, partly because I thought there was some interesting stuff to put in Role Playing Game scenarii).
The 2nd was about Kyoto and it was boring as hell. Actually the speaker did something really linear, and added some bit of what he felt there, of what he saw then, but it was never well organized, so that a lot of people soon lost interest. It's really sad because the speaker was REALLY keen on what he saw and said, but he couldn't share his feelings.
There should have been an iaido initation, but it was cancelled. It's so sad
But I also spent some time hanging around amateur stands, and it was really nice. I really like this, you know, when people share their passion

Maybe you saw me : I was cosplayed in L from Death Note (actually, my girlfriend put me some eye-liner and haired me during half an hour before the convention). And you ?
Pour MSN, les personnes avec qui je discute sont des potes que je vois en vrai, sauf ceux qui habitent trop loin (genre l'tranger), mais je ne les compte pas comme des amis, ce sont des "contacts". Mais se sentir seule en ayant un moyen de communication qui tourne toute la journe me semble toujours assez paradoxal ^^
Le problme vient de la "bote" dont tu parles, la cellule dans laquelle je me sens enferme ces temps ci, et o je tourne en rond en rond en rond.... Beaucoup de choses bougent autour de moi et j'ai du mal suivre, j'ai peur de me planter, chose qu'on ne m'a jamais permis.
Foutue ducation, je sais. Disons que des parents en guerre et une soeur jumelle dpendante dont on vous colle un peu la charge a ne fait forcment une bonne base pour se dire "tiens, j'ai peut tre le droit de vivre ma vie et faire des projets sans rendre de comptes quiconque et peut tre mme russir?"
Aprs je pense que certaines personnes autour de moi sont juste maladroites, donc je ne peux mme pas leur en vouloir, mme si je suis parfois trop exigeante envers les autres.
Non non je ne te prends pas pour un idiot, le "I'm not so pathetic" final tait plus une vanne d'autocynisme minable qui ne fait apparemment rire que moi ^^ Au contraire c'est super gentil et touchant de ta part de rpondre aussi franchement
Et pour le sourire idiot quand on fait nos bidules artistiques, c'est la meilleure chose faire dans la vie
Terminator c'est pas dsagrable, suggre lui si elle ne connait pas dj Predator (le premier volet) ^^