First, some pictures from the Glastonbury Goddess Conference a while back!
I have fire!
Spiral Tribe trying not to set off the smoke detectors
I think this one is rather nice
And now for some actual updates on me!...well, such as they are.
I have finally taken my citizenship test. I no longer have to worry if I can't remember how how many members there are of the Scottish Parliament or what year Estonia joined the EU. That's because I passed! I have also sent off my application and copies of my passport and test certificate. Now all I have to do is wait and cross my fingers that they don't take some sort of dislike to my handwriting and decide not to give me citizenship.
Other than that not a whole lot else is going on right now. I had a mellow Halloween with my boyfriend and his flatmates back in London. Sweets were consumed, a pumpkin was carved, a pagan ritual was witnessed and a zombie movie was watched. It was a rather odd zombie movie called The Vanguard. I got the impression that the director took all the zombie actors to the zoo and pointed at the gorillas to give them inspiration. There was also a man with axes and a lot of running around in a forest. In fact, it was all running around in a forest, with occasional bits of running through a clearing.
I also finally managed to submit my set aaaaaaaaand they don't want it. Not even for member review (although I did get a note saying that they think I'm "super cute" and asking me to try again. Of course, cute was not the point. Guess that shows me lol ). Which, looking at the kind of sets they're accepting these days doesn't really surprise me. Glossy seems to be the operative word, and my set was certainly not that. I know it's been awhile since MR was instituted, but weren't they originally saying that one of the benefits would be that different styles would have a chance to be seen? I'm not saying that my set is fantastic, it's just that having a look around MR everyone seems to be going for the same look again which I think is a bit of a pity. Of course, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. I'm not on here very regularly anymore, so if I'm wrong let me know
I'll post the set in my pictures anyway and you can all give me some feedback. Although if I now get a lot of comments saying that it needs to be bright and glossy I shall not be impressed :p

I have fire!

Spiral Tribe trying not to set off the smoke detectors

I think this one is rather nice
And now for some actual updates on me!...well, such as they are.
I have finally taken my citizenship test. I no longer have to worry if I can't remember how how many members there are of the Scottish Parliament or what year Estonia joined the EU. That's because I passed! I have also sent off my application and copies of my passport and test certificate. Now all I have to do is wait and cross my fingers that they don't take some sort of dislike to my handwriting and decide not to give me citizenship.
Other than that not a whole lot else is going on right now. I had a mellow Halloween with my boyfriend and his flatmates back in London. Sweets were consumed, a pumpkin was carved, a pagan ritual was witnessed and a zombie movie was watched. It was a rather odd zombie movie called The Vanguard. I got the impression that the director took all the zombie actors to the zoo and pointed at the gorillas to give them inspiration. There was also a man with axes and a lot of running around in a forest. In fact, it was all running around in a forest, with occasional bits of running through a clearing.
I also finally managed to submit my set aaaaaaaaand they don't want it. Not even for member review (although I did get a note saying that they think I'm "super cute" and asking me to try again. Of course, cute was not the point. Guess that shows me lol ). Which, looking at the kind of sets they're accepting these days doesn't really surprise me. Glossy seems to be the operative word, and my set was certainly not that. I know it's been awhile since MR was instituted, but weren't they originally saying that one of the benefits would be that different styles would have a chance to be seen? I'm not saying that my set is fantastic, it's just that having a look around MR everyone seems to be going for the same look again which I think is a bit of a pity. Of course, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. I'm not on here very regularly anymore, so if I'm wrong let me know

That sounds about right, he has a DVD called life in the undergrowth which I highly recommend.
I'll be honest it's a little terrifying, but I'll send you some links in a couple of days, hopefully you'll be able to access them. Also in April I'll send you my finished project, all 12,000 words of it
Thank you, butterfly world is just on the outskirts of Edinburgh, absolutely love going there and if you're ever back up here, you should go
The surgery was supposed to be this week, but it's been delayed to maybe next week, my parents are finding it hard to open up about it, so there not really telling me much. They don't want me to worry or take time off from university but I am.
How have you been? What are your plans for this year? x