ugh. i had a job trial the other day at Benetton's and the manager just called me back to say she gave the job to a girl who had worked there previously. it might have been a trendy shop and totally not my style, but the girls were really nice and it would have been nice to have the extra money. i need to start saving up to go travelling/ move back to Cali and get my own place after i graduate. boo
although at least i was beat by someone who had previous work experience at the shop and they weren't just like, 'no sorry we just didn't like you'.
today is also my aunt's memorial
i wish i could be there. it sounds like it will be really nice (well, as these things go.) there are going to be white tulips.
so far today really isn't great. although on the positive side i'm currently resizing the pix from the set i shot with Leilani, so hopefully i'll get those in tonight. i also have a dance class tonight, and that's always a happy thing. hopefully i didn't just jinx it.

today is also my aunt's memorial

so far today really isn't great. although on the positive side i'm currently resizing the pix from the set i shot with Leilani, so hopefully i'll get those in tonight. i also have a dance class tonight, and that's always a happy thing. hopefully i didn't just jinx it.
So did you shoot a set then? Hope it gets accepted, you deserve it and the money is always welcome rite? Well, lets spk soon.
PS: I got a new phone cause the old one died so I need your number again...can u txt me? I still have the same number.