right! i've not updated my blog in ages and ages, even though i've been back in wales with net access for a few weeks. i've just been so busy and sleepy that i can't be bothered with a big update, and of course the longer i leave it the more i have to report. so i'll just do my best before i fall asleep at the keyboard.
my time in California was great and i miss it already. i really didn't do all that much while i was there, but i spent a lot of time with friends. there was a two day music festival at my house, which was rather exciting. it wasn't necesarily the kind of music i would listen to on my own (look here if you're interested in who played etc), but i could appreciate it all the same and getting the property ready for it was an interesting experience. it was also pretty amusing to camp out in my back yard with a couple hundred other people
i also got attached to a nice boy along the way. it's a bit of a cute story (in my humble opinion) since we used to be neighbors, so we've known each other since we were small, but both of us have always been shy and not prone to making friends easily. but he was helping make the stage and had set up camp in the field a couple weeks before the show, so i made a concerted effort to be friendly and get to know him and we found that we actually had quite a lot in common and got along really well. i thought i'd not have much to do while i was in CA as a lot of my friends weren't coming home, but i ended up spending all my time with him. we went backpacking as well, which was exciting for me as i've not been backpacking or camping in several years. it was a 10 mile hike to some really lovely hotsprings (especially lovely considering how much i was hurting the next morning). we had quite a bit of excitement both nights as a very persistant ring tailed cat tried to get into our bags for our food and wasn't at all afraid to come really close when it thought we were sleeping. it was awefully sweet looking though, so i forgave it for waking me up every few minutes. neither of us knew what it was at the time and i had to look it up on line to find out and since i also found a rather nice picture of one i shall include it!
as for the time i've been back in the uk, i've spent it working for my mother. doing inventory, invoices, dog leads and the like. my step-dad's birthday was last week and we had people over so there was a bit of a scramble to get all the new boxes of inventory put away, but we managed. then i bellydanced at the local village fair on monday, and it was very cold, especially since i wasn't wearing much. but i met another dancer who'd come to see the show and she's given me the info on the class she goes to in the area, so i'm going to check that out! yay!
now i'm very sleepy and not feeling particularly coherent, so i hope that i've made at least some sense. if not, at least there's the ringtailed cat to look at!
my time in California was great and i miss it already. i really didn't do all that much while i was there, but i spent a lot of time with friends. there was a two day music festival at my house, which was rather exciting. it wasn't necesarily the kind of music i would listen to on my own (look here if you're interested in who played etc), but i could appreciate it all the same and getting the property ready for it was an interesting experience. it was also pretty amusing to camp out in my back yard with a couple hundred other people

as for the time i've been back in the uk, i've spent it working for my mother. doing inventory, invoices, dog leads and the like. my step-dad's birthday was last week and we had people over so there was a bit of a scramble to get all the new boxes of inventory put away, but we managed. then i bellydanced at the local village fair on monday, and it was very cold, especially since i wasn't wearing much. but i met another dancer who'd come to see the show and she's given me the info on the class she goes to in the area, so i'm going to check that out! yay!
now i'm very sleepy and not feeling particularly coherent, so i hope that i've made at least some sense. if not, at least there's the ringtailed cat to look at!
At this time leilani is shooting a set in my house....while Im working...life's not fair...LOL.
Well, if you wanna shoot a set sometime let me know and I'll put u 2 in touch!