I seriously want to throttle whoever runs DHL. Why, oh _WHY_ is there no customer service? that stupid little answering machine thing does _not_ count and as far as i can see is completely useless. they tried to deliver a package to me last week and no one was here to sign for it, so they had to take it back with them and leave one of those little slips saying that they'd been. fair enough. so i call about getting it redelivered and it's this stupid little answering machine asking you for the package number and all that (well, the first time i called it said the place was closed, even though according to the information on the slip it should have been open for another hour. and why bother saying it's closed if they only let you talk to an answering machine even when it's open?) I even told them when i was sure i'd be home. and did i get my package? no. no i did not. and there's no number to call to talk to a real person. and the website is even less helpful. so now i guess i'm going to have to wander around london until i bump into the service center and argue with them until they give me my package. i'm not even sure they will since the package seems to be addressed to my mother despite us telling them to address it to me. and they couldn't even get _her_ name right on the delivery slip. OMG this is so frustrating! Ahhhhhh!
if i'm never heard from again you can all assume that i got so lost that i couldn't find my way back

They're ALL just complete crap.
Well ... Happy happy to you!
Anywayz, rant over! Hope you're well, and happy valentines day!
Let's go for a cup of tea together and curse the package delivery industry sometime!