Aisha, Serena, and I left for Ocean City on Thursday night. We returned yesterday night to an empty house. We knew it would be.
On Tuesday night, as I was recovering from a pretty severe beating and watching Serena lick Aisha's pussy, Megan knocked on our door, ad asked for some Astroglide. I got it and gave it to her.
The next day, she came how with several lubes. She tested them out with Aisha, on their fingers. They also tasted each one. Courtney had hit menopause, and one her changes was a dry vagina.. "her vag still lubricates, but it takes a long time" she explained.
So that is one change.
The second we found out about on Saturday in an e mail. We were notified that they had left, and we were not to contact them for any reason. They had gone to France for their honeymoon. Two women who had been together for 20 years and said they would never get married, did.
Megan's family will never know.
They had to have been planning this for a while, getting the license and the courthouse.
We do not know when the will get back.
So that is a second change.
Or it it? The e mail did read "This changes nothing, we will not be monogamous."
This is surreal. Sometimes I with I had a nice, normal woman (as long as she is a nympho) and a nice. normal life.
Fun mini vacation, though.