Reading @niffler Suicide's blog, I found out it was Harry Potter;s birthday. He is a Leo. Can I get a "Hell, yeah!" Harry? Can I get a "Hell, meow!"
I have never read one of the books. I have never seen a movie. I do have a story. A woman had tow children, a 15 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. The boy loved Harry Potter, the girl had no interest. One Christmas, she bought him a Nimbus broom. It is batter operated; when you turn it on, it vibrates. The woman could never figure out why her daughter took it and refused to give it back.
We all have bad days. I used to think of the mammoth in the La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles. It is sinking, it cannot get out. then a sabre tooth tiger jumps on its back, and starts to eat it. That is a bad day.
Today is a bad day. I was supposed to be at Ocean City, celebrating my birthday. Instead, I am here, waiting until Aisha starts our drinking party, The weather will not cooperate. Maybe next weekend.
I am not thinking about the mammoth. I am thinking UNDEFEATED UNDISPUTED WOULD CUP CHAMPIONS!