There are three toilets in our house. With between five ans seven women in the house, it works.
On Sunday, however, Aisha and I monopolized two, our bedroom and the half bath outside the kitchen.
Went to the movies the night before. And we know, and the girls knew, and Aisha and I were going to make ourselves sick. We went to one of the last dive in movies in the world, the Bengies. The number of people coming to the show does not really make them money. They make money off the concessions, and therefore ban outside food and drink from the drive in.
Aisha drove her Range Rover in, and then Courtney and Megan got in the front seat,while Aisha and I got in the back. Then Aisha and I went to the concessions. Courtney and Megan wanted to split a medium popcorn and wanted medium Diet Cokes. Aisha and I, however, love popcorn, we could have it driven in by the truckload. So we each got a jumbo popcorn, triple layered with butter. It is not butter; it is yellow grease. It tastes good, and that is what matters. We each got a large Diet Coke.
Then we watched Solo: A Star Wars Story. I liked it, it shows how Han and Chewy started out. Chewy was very funny in this story. Also, Emilia Clarke, the MILF of Dragons from Game of Thrones (come one, we all want to fuck her), but, inexplicably, did not do a single nude scene. Perhaps why this movie will lose Disney about US$50,000.000 at they very minimum. The next installment might end the series.
Then, we went back to the concessions.
This time, not only pop corn with fake butter yellow grease sauce, but also greasy nachos, a whole greasy pizzas pie. It is not as good as Dominoes but better than Pizza Hut, because everyone out pizzas the Hut. They suck. Greasy burgers and fries. And Diet Cokes. We brought boxes to bring the "food" back in. It all tasted great. That is how you know it is bad for you.
The feature was The Avengers: Infinity War.
I am not going to give away any spoilers, but you want to see this film. Aisha does not like The Avengers. so I got a hand job during it. If you like the Marvel Universe see it. You will love it. Lots of allies, from the Marvel Universe. Good movie. Really fun.
A hand job is just bonus.
When we got home.we dank beer and watched Game of Thrones to see Miss Clarke nude. She is suppe ,supper hot,
It caught up with us that morning, Totally worth it.