I always do, after I trim them. I certainly do not want to cut the ladies, as fingering is a very typical way of showing our affection. In addition, I always use my finger in the pussy when I go down on them, as I lick the clit. You have to file your nails if you have a girlfriend, or girlfriends.
Last night, I did not get a chance to. Serena just happened to be in the room, and she did it for me.
We talked.
Serena is very happy with us. We do not really ask very much of her. Sexually, she is very pleased. Aisha is a nasty, unpleasant person, but she is very considerate in bed. For instance, until very recently, show would never perform fellatio until completion; Aisha always took over. Serena tells me she will continue to swallow, because she likes the way it feels when cum slides down her throat.
Anal. however, is out. She found it excruciating. Also, she needs to be really excited to try it. Only Aisha can get her this way. She told me to be happy I took her virginity. I am, but I did not "take" anything. She gave her anal virginity freely.
And my nails got filed.