I've lost my Dad. I feel like he died. Everytime I think about him marrying that terrible woman I fight back tears. I don't understand how he could ever want to marry someone who treated hypermediocricy and I so horribly. I could never imagine loving someone who treated my children like shit. I just don't get it. I wish I could be with my sister right now. Both of our weeks have kind of sucked and it sucks even more that were not together. At least Kris understands what I'm going through. His parents are divorced too and his mum is married to an asshole. He and I decided we're going to make a "Daddy doesn't love me" club. His dad was abusive and left his mum when Kris was little. He talks to him on occasion but he's still not a very good man. My dad isjust selfish and loves his new step-kids more than his real kids. I'm begining to think that blood is thinner than water, despite what my dad always told me.
I'm so sad.
I'm so sad.

I'm sorry your dad has decided to marry V. I don't understand it at all. Just know that I'm here for you, even though me and your sister are having tough times, I'm still your friend. Take it easy lamb, keep a smile on your face.

Aww, goodluck. Not sure what else to say.