I have the best boyfriend in the entire world. It's not just becuase he's my boyfriend either. Yesterday was our 2 month anniversary, I'm not really into getting presents for every anniversary. I like to celebrate like ever 6 months if it gets that far. Anyway, I went over to Nate's house last night and there was a gift bag on his coffee table. I asked him who it was for and he looked at me like I was retarded and told me to open it. Not only were there giant M&M's because he ate all mine out of my Easter basket, but there were cherry filled Kisses (my favourite) and The Sims Night life expansion pack!!!! He knows how much I've been lusting after that game, so he got it for me! I kind of felt like an ass because I didn't get him anything, but he said it was ok and that we can trade off anniversaries. So next month I have to do something special for him.
I'm so close to loving this kid.
I'm so close to loving this kid.

awww. I know why your boyfriend is perhaps the best boyfriend in the world....b/c of your cute profile picture! duh.