i started a job today, selling food in the airport. seems like a giant pile of shit, but so it goes. in the words of lars ulrich "i used to be king shit, and then i came here and i was king dog shit". living with people is hard too, i am scared to go home because i had the last of the soymilk on...
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still no job. portland is making me lonely. there are couples everywhere here, and then when i go home there is another couple. i hope i make some friends soon. we will see. its very calming and peaceful being here though. i feel like knots inside of me are untwisting and pull taught, and old animosities and other such poisionous types are leaving my system....
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Hi, welcome to portland! smile I'm sorry to hear that things are off to a bit of a rough start. frown Portland is a pretty calm city, so hopefully you'll be able to keep some of that calmness with you. The job market here has improved a lot so far this year, so if nothing else, job hunting hopefully wont take too long. smile

Anyways, I just thought I'd say hi, and wish you well with your new city. I really do think it's a good one. smile Hopefully the interview went well, and things will look a bit better soon!
here i am in portland. its pretty and sunny here. i love the way buildings look, and so far everyone seems really nice and fun here. i have to say its all very scary, but it seems like i will be able to navigate okay in a few weeks. i am desperately looking for a job, although since i dont know my way around i...
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i just saw hella, and it was hella amazing (pun intended har har)! i just cant belive that drumming, it sounds like programmed techno beats. the first band was good like okay good, and instrumental grind band called sean. or shawn, i dunno. they threw a little casio into the audience and it hit my friends and they got to keep it. it had like...
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im sitting here watching rock star inxs. i love this show because there is this really bitchy guy on it who makes faces everytime someone else does well or gets compliments from the judges. then there was this lady who was like "this song is hard because I CANNOT CONTROL THE LEVEL OF MY VOICE". there are always these so-so performances that make people cry...
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the other day dave matthews drove past me in a car. i was at my bus stop, and i was all peering at him, and he waved at me. i think it was good luck, because i got a lot of tips that day, and had a fun time on valium. he looked very nice and he drives a dark red subaru outback and enjoys...
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I like that description.