Well I feel it is only proper to finally write my first blog on here; so I guess here it goes. Suicide girls is absolutely awesome, merely coming to the realization of who I am inside and finding that there is an entire community devoted to something that I love is completely shocking and in the same light inspirational. Not only have I met some of the most amazing and open people in the world but I have found myself. I am so happy to have finally come to this realization that describing it is beyond words. It's an amazing feeling. I used to be the most shy individual but now everyday since I have joined SG I am becoming more and more open and more and more confident enough to speak my mind. I always did speak my mind but only in writing and not in person like I am doing now. You could say that there is no greater journey than finding yourself, for all of us I believe that this endeavor never ends; however when we reach a point in our life where we have reached a mile marker and have come to the mental realization of such a thing then we are elated. Joining SG has been one of these mile markers. For once in my life I am becoming comfortable in my own skin, I don't feel weird or out of place or any feelings related to them at all anymore; in fact it's quite the opposite. I used to think that I was different from all other people, that I liked things people didn't and was shunned because of that, but every since joining SG I was welcomed with open arms. I myself was and am tolerant of all people but I did not feel the same from others, until I came here. So in closing SG is changing my life for the better, so I thank the community and to the people I have met so far, thank you. And to the people I have yet to meet and will in the future, I look forward to our friendship.
DW <3