today has sucked ass in a VERY major way...
jilly left to fly back to new zealand this morning. that would be bad enough on its own but she sent me a message a little while ago to say that someone had a heart attack on her flight to new york so she's currently stuck in iceland. cue two missed connecting flights and no idea when she'll get back to new zealand.
then, while all that was going on, i've been at work trying to kick our three web servers back into life after they mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth at 2am this morning. god knows what the problem is but after nine hours of fucking around with them makes me just want to take them outside and set fire to the damn things,,,
my head hurts and i want to go home.
[ 9pm Update: ]
...turns out it's not my dodgy equipment, it's some script kiddie fuck in Russia doing a Denial of Service attack on us for some reason.
oh the joys of having to manage Windows boxes
jilly left to fly back to new zealand this morning. that would be bad enough on its own but she sent me a message a little while ago to say that someone had a heart attack on her flight to new york so she's currently stuck in iceland. cue two missed connecting flights and no idea when she'll get back to new zealand.
then, while all that was going on, i've been at work trying to kick our three web servers back into life after they mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth at 2am this morning. god knows what the problem is but after nine hours of fucking around with them makes me just want to take them outside and set fire to the damn things,,,
my head hurts and i want to go home.
[ 9pm Update: ]
...turns out it's not my dodgy equipment, it's some script kiddie fuck in Russia doing a Denial of Service attack on us for some reason.
oh the joys of having to manage Windows boxes

hey - thanks for the help on the pics but every e-mail I try to send you with or without attachments is returned as "access denied"
I hope Jilly is okay, for the sake of the both of you