You would not know if originality "fell down out of the sky, landed in your lap and wiggled around a little bit". If you can get that you are in the advanced game and you should email me, probably because you have my email adress already and do not need to ask. As for today I thought about my role as a human being on this planet, my role as a producer, the fact that the society that I choose to live in does not value that, I also made a couple of drawings, talked to my baby doll, dreamt of the future, went back to work, printed a little bit, ate dinner with wine, went over to the neighbor's to drink and smoke pot for hours. And here it is a lot later, 3:40 to be exact, here anyway, so its late. I am goint to go make a grilled cheese....
listening to something you have never heard of
oh so I am surley because i wans at this drungstore in line, I had seen the crusty, gutter punk as i went in. ignored him or was i lost in my playlist who knows, who cares so there we were in line him and his rich,mall punk woman were behind me. i take my earphone out as i enter a line, out of respect (did you get that one? I figured that you didnt) and i hear crustyh talking to his 'woman" he sais, or at least this is when I rember hearing..."fake fucking mowhak". So I turn around, ready to mop the floor with this asshole, saw him and all i wanted was a reason to kick his ass, and glare at him with a seething glare that must have said i hate you. because he backed down, apologized and then tried to "be cool". He turns to me with a straight face, after all of this, that i should "grow it out"...Can you imagine? I mean think about it......we are all surrounded by idiots. is that what i was supposed to be looking for? what did douglas copeland say Tshirt nirvana, wait was that even him? do you even know what i am talking about? enhh fuck off.
listening to:
wha the fuck do you know, you have never heard of these guys anyways
listening to something you have never heard of
oh so I am surley because i wans at this drungstore in line, I had seen the crusty, gutter punk as i went in. ignored him or was i lost in my playlist who knows, who cares so there we were in line him and his rich,mall punk woman were behind me. i take my earphone out as i enter a line, out of respect (did you get that one? I figured that you didnt) and i hear crustyh talking to his 'woman" he sais, or at least this is when I rember hearing..."fake fucking mowhak". So I turn around, ready to mop the floor with this asshole, saw him and all i wanted was a reason to kick his ass, and glare at him with a seething glare that must have said i hate you. because he backed down, apologized and then tried to "be cool". He turns to me with a straight face, after all of this, that i should "grow it out"...Can you imagine? I mean think about it......we are all surrounded by idiots. is that what i was supposed to be looking for? what did douglas copeland say Tshirt nirvana, wait was that even him? do you even know what i am talking about? enhh fuck off.
listening to:
wha the fuck do you know, you have never heard of these guys anyways
This is a perfect example of why I hate those crusty fucks. They think that because they live like bums, and make no mistake, they are fucking bums, take more drugs than you, and have a world-view a wee bit larger than a Republican's, that they are somehow better than everyone else, especially anyone who purpots to be a punk rocker, because, after all, these bums invented punk rock, and they hold the fucking patent. Fuck!
By the way, thanks for listening to my drunk ass the other night.
Hardercore than thou for a year or two, then it's time to get a real job.