I know I am going to come across as some sort of hopeless sadass for saying this but so what I dont give a fuck. There are only eight days to go before I see my beautiful babydoll. There I said it and you know what I feel awesome because I can't wait. I have already made reservations for her favorite restaurant for Valentine's day and I put a surprise for her on my credit card that I probably should not have, but I have not had a Valentine of this magnitude in a very long time. As a matter of fact I have not had a Valentine that I cared this much about in eleven years, not that I am big on the holiday's invented by corporations to subsidize consumption of holiday specific merchandise but it's a little different when you find someone whith whom you share so much. She really amazes me almost everytime I speak with her.
Right this second I am listening to Fear and so should you.
Right this second I am listening to Fear and so should you.