My DSL has been down for about a week. I had to go all weekend with out, it was a very sad state of affairs, but alas I am back. I received a new credit card in the mail today, very dangerous but very helpful as I still have no job yet. Every one is so very confidant that I will find one so that is reassuring and I even start to believe it a little myself sometimes which is better than feeling like I will find nothing. I try to stay positive.
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 07, 2005
Today was amazing, after a full night of very great sleep I have had … -
Tuesday Sep 06, 2005
I can not sleep. It is a quarter until seven, my alarm clock is set t… -
Friday Sep 02, 2005
I cried today for the people of New Orleans because I was heart broke… -
Wednesday Aug 31, 2005
Well, well, well I turned thirty today in Greensboro, North Carolina.… -
Thursday Aug 18, 2005
What is it that makes someone feel like they have to be right, they h… -
Sunday Aug 14, 2005
I am the only one here today, the Directors are out of town for the w… -
Friday Aug 12, 2005
I am very proud of some little spirograph drawings that I have been m… -
Wednesday Aug 10, 2005
Shit Changes Mostly I think because people are not truthful with eac… -
Tuesday Aug 09, 2005
Time really has a different meaning here at Elsewhere(link down there… -
Saturday Aug 06, 2005
Um, well I do not have a lot to say for myself really other than I ha…
by the way, happy belated birthday!
On this end, I'm busy as hell and fighting a cold to boot.
How's Brooklyn?
Weekend listening: Clash, Conflict, Coffin Lids, above mentioned CD, and the Circle Jerks/GBH show I taped a few nights ago.
Stay cool.