sick, again. ahh the joys of working with little kids. let me see it has been a while. I sprained my ankle lecturing at hastings college then a week later my apartment was burglarized and my laptop was stolen along with my ipod, keys and my bag from work more than likely to carry the booty in. so i recently replaced my computer and ipod and now i am broke. this year is off to a great start. i was going to try to start saving some of this money that I am making because i am thinking about moving in with my fiance. that still is weird sounding. yes that would mean back to wisconsin for her final year but I want to go. I want to be with her and after all my work, can be done anywhere. i do not need to be here in new york to be a painter. i want to be with her. so i will be there shortly. for now i have to keep going to this job i hate. the good news is that it is the weekend and i am going to do absolutely nothing.
listening to::. from first to last::dear diary my teen angst has a body count
listening to::. from first to last::dear diary my teen angst has a body count