I feel incoherent when I talk right now. It's crazy. I'm like "WarghablabblepoomonkeynipplesteinenheimerHI!"
My friend Kat's birthday is Friday - remind me to get someone to cover for me that day or on Saturday. Maybe we'll get shitfaced and watch hentai or something. XD
I still feel like shit. C'est la vie.
My friend Kat's birthday is Friday - remind me to get someone to cover for me that day or on Saturday. Maybe we'll get shitfaced and watch hentai or something. XD
I still feel like shit. C'est la vie.

no sweets, I'm not speaking as someone who judges, I'm speaking as someone who has gone through the intensity that comes from being in a relationship with defined and undefined borders, and how much it has hurt me and my former partner. I'm still reeling from it, and I thought that maybe you could benefit from the wisdom I attained from making decisions in my life that were not necessarily beneficial to myself or to people that I care about. I truly did not mean to offend, and if I have I apologize... I'm just trying to pass along whatever advice I can to you that will prevent you from hurting yourself and your boyfriend. See, I have become enlightened about open/closed relationships since I had one, and I know how much you can ask for in one and where you should stop.

Hey, I'm sorry you're feeling like shit. Those crushes you mentioned in your earlier post are totally healthy and harmless dude. Embrace 'em.