Ah, it's been a bad day. My brother was picked up by a cop for trying to steal a thing of tic-tacs at the gas station. Yeah, sounds stupid to me too. So he's grounded up the ass, which the kid deserves.
My mother... Oh christ, she's been horrible. See, the kid lives with her down in Milwaukee, and comes up every weekend (this time, he'll be here a week) and we had to call her to find out their new address 'cause the kid didn't know it. She called back all fucking psycho like, and spazzed out on my father. He hung up on her, then she called back and asked to talk to me. There's a REALLY bad history between her and I (she was very abusive, both mentally and physically) and she said that she wanted me to read a book that she found.. Some spiritual thing (she knows I hate Catholicism, my baptized religion, so she was careful to use the word "spiritual".) that she wanted me to read that'd "help me begin to forgive her". I'm sorry, but I can never fully forgive that woman. I've gotten over a lot, but I'll never get over totally what she did to me. That woman had me beat down to a level where.. Well, I almost lost myself. So I got angry when she began to put blame on my father. My father was a saint to me. He never laid a hand on me nor said a foul word. He'd discipline me when the time was right, of course, but he was always still benevolent in his dealings. I told her this, and she spazed a bit, then when I started to tell her about the things she'd done to me (for the millionth time) she tried turning it around on me.
"Well, what about that time you punched me --"
And I hung the phone up and dissolved into sobbing like a fucking baby. I try to be strong in these situations, but I always end up ending it like this. My head is fucking POUNDING, and I hafta go to work in about 2 hours. Fuckin' lovely.
Ahh, enough of my whining.
My mother... Oh christ, she's been horrible. See, the kid lives with her down in Milwaukee, and comes up every weekend (this time, he'll be here a week) and we had to call her to find out their new address 'cause the kid didn't know it. She called back all fucking psycho like, and spazzed out on my father. He hung up on her, then she called back and asked to talk to me. There's a REALLY bad history between her and I (she was very abusive, both mentally and physically) and she said that she wanted me to read a book that she found.. Some spiritual thing (she knows I hate Catholicism, my baptized religion, so she was careful to use the word "spiritual".) that she wanted me to read that'd "help me begin to forgive her". I'm sorry, but I can never fully forgive that woman. I've gotten over a lot, but I'll never get over totally what she did to me. That woman had me beat down to a level where.. Well, I almost lost myself. So I got angry when she began to put blame on my father. My father was a saint to me. He never laid a hand on me nor said a foul word. He'd discipline me when the time was right, of course, but he was always still benevolent in his dealings. I told her this, and she spazed a bit, then when I started to tell her about the things she'd done to me (for the millionth time) she tried turning it around on me.
"Well, what about that time you punched me --"
And I hung the phone up and dissolved into sobbing like a fucking baby. I try to be strong in these situations, but I always end up ending it like this. My head is fucking POUNDING, and I hafta go to work in about 2 hours. Fuckin' lovely.
Ahh, enough of my whining.
That's a sad story. I don't know what to say.