People are icky.
A girlfriend of mine called me pudgy today. >> That, and she randomly insults my boobs. >< It gets irritating. I'm fine with my boobs, but I'm slightly sensitive about my weight. I'm by no means fat, but I do have a little extra softness on me. But that isn't pudge! it's healthy, normal, and I'm fine with me. yeah, I could stand to get into a little better weight, but still.
Anyhow, I've decided to disallow political discussions between my boyfriend and I. >> His conservative opinions and my liberal ones have been clashing lately, especially when it comes to Iraq. He wants to enlist. It freakin' scares me. Among other things... I just got uber pissed at him and.. ya der hey. No more politics.
I'm apprehensive about Star Wars at the theater now. >> How freakin' packed will it be on Friay? HUH?
Poop. Bad day. Somebody buy me a vibrator.

A girlfriend of mine called me pudgy today. >> That, and she randomly insults my boobs. >< It gets irritating. I'm fine with my boobs, but I'm slightly sensitive about my weight. I'm by no means fat, but I do have a little extra softness on me. But that isn't pudge! it's healthy, normal, and I'm fine with me. yeah, I could stand to get into a little better weight, but still.
Anyhow, I've decided to disallow political discussions between my boyfriend and I. >> His conservative opinions and my liberal ones have been clashing lately, especially when it comes to Iraq. He wants to enlist. It freakin' scares me. Among other things... I just got uber pissed at him and.. ya der hey. No more politics.
I'm apprehensive about Star Wars at the theater now. >> How freakin' packed will it be on Friay? HUH?
Poop. Bad day. Somebody buy me a vibrator.
Definitely worth tolerating the crowd and poor seats we got stuck with for not waiting in line 12 hours. :p
Sorry I was not needed for my vibrating services, perhaps next time?
A guy can hope.
Hope you have an excellent night.
Need a vibe? I see no wishlist...