Alright. Finally at long last set number 2 is in the queue! It'll be live in November! I'm a little concerned that the photo resolution will be a little wonky but I hope that's not the case. I really love this set. Did it in my house on a whim while crazy beautiful light was streaming in. It was a perfect day and I think we got a lot of great shots in. Thank you all for being patient and sticking with me. I promise not to let so much time go buy every again. Just did another shoot yesterday which will be in the queue as soon as I can get the edits from my photographer. It's super pretty. I think I'm developing a theme of me wearing black in these shoots. Maybe that's because I'm so darn pale. In any case, I hope you all enjoy it and I'm sure I'll be posting more reminders over the next few months.
In the meantime, I'm interested to hear what you all would like to see in terms of a shoot. Theme? Clothing? Etc.
I'd also love to get to know you all better and let you know me more! So any questions you might have or comments (keep them nice) will be greatly accepted and responded to!
So much love to you guys!
xoxo Paroaria