spring time = new bike. so please, spring time, hurry up. i want a new bike.
i don't know who gave me the gift of reactivating my account but thank you!
i can't believe it's today. it feels like the primaries were just last week and yesterday i was watching biden and hillary speak in scranton... i can't believe barack obama is finally president. just.. i am speechless and so elated.

i am so proud to be an american.
Yeah time flies when you're having fun smile.
I'm excited to see what o-bomb can do! I loved his speech today biggrin
i've decided that you're never too old to own a trampoline and this summer i plan on buying one of those huge, unsafe backyard trampolines because i've wanted one since i was 7. i will spend my entire summer sipping martinis, bouncing around, and taking pictures.

however, right now it's about 10 degrees and i don't really enjoy venturing outside. it's hard to believe january...
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