Got the Jeep back finally. Worked down at the loft - seems like mudding will never end. I can't wait to move in down there.
Motherfucker. Show up in Columbus yesterday 'round 5:30, drink some beers, shoot some pool, and eat my favorite walleye sangwich at Gibby's, head over to Social D. around 7:30: motherfucking cancelled - postponed till May. I got bad, bad luck. So we ran over to the vet to check out the Easy Rider show. Talked to Billy Lane again and saw some great bikes and...
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you can contact me through email on this thing - just go to the contact button under the profile and it will let you send stuff to my email. all you have to do to put pix in your folder is just make sure they're less than 100kb.
as far as today goes, my boyfriend and i (Epstein) are probably going to go see Constantine... and i say probably cuz i'm feeling REALLY lazy today! i might not make it out of the house. wink but, the bar is closed until Wednesday, so i have plenty of time to venture out in the next couple of days. smile
i got your pix ~ the kitty is cute! miao!! i sent you an email, but are you going to stop in to the bar this week?
I'm reading Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins. This is only my second Robbins book (I read Villa Incognito) but I just am fascinated with his use of words. For example:

"There are apparently few limitations either of time or space on where the psyche might journey, and only the customs inspector employed by our own inhibitions restricts what it might bring back when it reenters...
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the SGColumbus group is going to "Church" at High Five on High and 5th in the Short North tonight. Probably anywhere between 10-11pm. smile
not my favourite speed of music, but its goth/industrial night, and one of the members (kevykev) is DJing.
so... am i right in assuming your show was cancelled?? that sux. are you guys going to come up and visit me at the bar tonight?
This week started and I was riding high from two great weeks: meeting Billy Lane, partying like fucking rock stars with the Detroit Brothers at their Biker Builder-off premier, having a great time in Chicago (ever have Columbian food - my God). I heard this noise in the front end of my Jeep and I'm like fuck, I know I need to find out what...
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i didnt hear about the concert until about 4 days ago. plus-- though im familiar with the name... i'm not too familiar with ANYTHING socialD other than "Ball & Chain" (how typical of me).
i met a person at work tonight that OWNS the venue that the concert will be at. i also talked to someone that might be able to get me in... i have to call him. so i might show up.. but i'll be around the Columbus group all weekend... so make your connections or what not.
it was fun... maybe we'll catch ya some other time.
Social D. this Friday in Columbus - can't fuckin' wait. Seeing Social D. is like a baptism. Mike Ness is the fuckin' man. We're also going to the Easy Rider Show on Sat. Billy Lane from Chopper's Inc. might meet us as the Social D. show .
i will be in Columbus. Destro is coming in for Social D. i'm hosting him.
Looks like I broke down and joined a freakin internet site.