well.... the holiday season is now among us... and I apologize for not being on as much..... every year, this time of year, my life gets UBER HECTIC!!!!!!! i hope everyone is doing well!!!! and I will try to keep updated as much as possible!!!!
well my sox are out! SAD!!!! but no matter what I thank them for another great year.... now I go and support my Bruins... with my rally cap on!!!! LETS GO BOSTON!!!!
I hope all is well! and everyone is enjoying life!!!! MISSES AND KISSES!
Wish it had been the Sox beating the Phillies tonight, but I'll take the Phillies beating the Devil Rays as a consolation prize. We have family and friends in Philly, anyway, so it was fun to watch them finish out Game 5 with a win.
WHAT IS UP WITH MY SOX?????? NO MATTER WHAT I WILL ALWAYS STAND BEHIND THEM!!!! AS I AM LOYAL and I LOVE THEM!!!!!! and I HAVE FAITH! for my boys do amazing under pressure.... so now as we are behind 3-1 in the ALCS we need to come back!!!!! LETS GO SOX!!!!!!
mentioning sox.... have a look see at my latest set.... hope you enjoy!... Read More
The Sox pulled out another win last night. Just 1 more to go tonight then it's on to the Series!!!!!!!! I'm getting together with some friends to watch the game on the big screen.
SO just an update that my new set will be out the 26TH OF SEPTEMBER!!!! please check it out! I THINK you may like it... hahahahaha i am always open for advice and comments on what you thought... so please leave me some!!!!! it helps to improve!!!! thanks a bunch everyone
so my new set will be posted in member review on the 26th of september... I am really stoked about it and I hope all of you will approve. I am always open to criticism and words of encouragement.... so dont be afraid to tell me what you think!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!! LOVE YOU ALL
well the new set is done and going to be up very soon!!! for those of you that support me.. thanks again.. and I hope i do not disappoint!!! LOVE YA!!!
so i have added new albums to my page... of just random things i enjoy... and very random pictures of me being human and extremely nerdy most of the time... take a look if you like!!!
so i keep brainstorming for ideas... And all i get is blurs of nothing! I want this so bad.... but it seems impossible. but as my nature I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!! NEVER! watch out world.... BC I AM COMING!
you dont want a clone