Dear SG...
How do I get it?? Suggestions please. I am dying over here.
"POSTMARK MY COMPASS" comes out on March 11th.. 4 days!
I am super stoked. I really hope everybody likes it
In the mean time, I will be working long shifts for the next two weeks. I have an interview in Columbus to transfer my job (and hopefully get a promotion). If that goes through, I will be making my move right away. My biggest priority in the next 5-6 months is to make and SAVE as much money as possible so that I can finish school for good and make my great journey into the world. SCARY, I know.. but its about time I get motivated.
Pieces finally seem to be working themselves together, and I feel really good about life.
My friends are amazing. Couldn't ask for better.. and this move will definitely bring me closer to everyone I've been missing lately!!
My boyfriend is great, everything I could possibly want out of a man at this point in my life. Aside from the distance between us, everything is going really well.. and if all continues well, the distance won't be an issue for too much longer.
My job is going really well, I am hoping the best for my relocation. Fingers crossed!!
School is on hold until Fall, then I am finishing up with a bang. A lot less stress until then!
Can't wait to see what's next for me.
On another, more exciting note... I'm heading to Columbus tonight! Tomorrow morning I will be shooting a multi with my very bestest friend. I CAN'T WAIT!
pictures to come
Sorry, that was a lot of words and not enough photos.
SOON, kittens. Very soon!
There is a whole lot of HOTNESS in Member Review right now, go take a good look.
&& Make sure you keep an eye out for my set!!!!!
Love all of you.
Hope everyone is well.
How do I get it?? Suggestions please. I am dying over here.

"POSTMARK MY COMPASS" comes out on March 11th.. 4 days!
I am super stoked. I really hope everybody likes it

In the mean time, I will be working long shifts for the next two weeks. I have an interview in Columbus to transfer my job (and hopefully get a promotion). If that goes through, I will be making my move right away. My biggest priority in the next 5-6 months is to make and SAVE as much money as possible so that I can finish school for good and make my great journey into the world. SCARY, I know.. but its about time I get motivated.
Pieces finally seem to be working themselves together, and I feel really good about life.
My friends are amazing. Couldn't ask for better.. and this move will definitely bring me closer to everyone I've been missing lately!!
My boyfriend is great, everything I could possibly want out of a man at this point in my life. Aside from the distance between us, everything is going really well.. and if all continues well, the distance won't be an issue for too much longer.
My job is going really well, I am hoping the best for my relocation. Fingers crossed!!
School is on hold until Fall, then I am finishing up with a bang. A lot less stress until then!
Can't wait to see what's next for me.
On another, more exciting note... I'm heading to Columbus tonight! Tomorrow morning I will be shooting a multi with my very bestest friend. I CAN'T WAIT!
pictures to come

Sorry, that was a lot of words and not enough photos.
SOON, kittens. Very soon!
There is a whole lot of HOTNESS in Member Review right now, go take a good look.
&& Make sure you keep an eye out for my set!!!!!
Love all of you.
Hope everyone is well.
Need to say that your new set is really cute 

Thank you. It's one of my favorites! And completely my idea which makes me feel all fuzzy inside when people like it.