The Lost Tea
Let's be boldly but deviously obvious.
Let's face it: Tea is---
- Awesome, dude.
- Well yes, everyone enjoys it in Iraq too, hence it's not a very good torture argument.
- Hey wait Ali. You're not going to tie me up to a tree again, are ya?
- No James, he's not. We've been brought here for a reason, and this Tea might be a key.
- Oh don't talk to me about purpose! Like the same meaningless key we've been pushing every 108 minutes for weeks ?!
- Hey calm down Doc! I'm sure Shaft has an explanation here.
- Of course. Why do you think I built a church... it is part of the great design.
- Yeah, and then your Jesus stick will lead us to the Holy Weed ?
- If you bring any of that stuff near my Aaron...
- ?
- Well well, looks like Chewy came to the party.
- Show some respect brotha', else I you might mysteriously run out of that scotch---
- Son of a...
- Put your gun back in your pants, Sawyer.
- Hey freckles, what's on your mind ?
- Well I need a gun and you don't get to ask why.
- Well, Thelma, seeing as I got all the guns, I do get to ask why.
- Well Daddy's at it again.
- I need a gun too, I'm going to take my son back!!!
- What do you know about guns, anyway, Hoss.
- Hoy! You little boys are done with your toys ? This place is Death if we don't stick to the plan.
- Where did Red come from?
- You better all listen to her... it's risky but I have a plan.
- Welcome to the meeting, Twitchy. What's your plan ?
- I'm gonna detonate a Hydrogen bomb...
- Don't be so hasty, brotha'. In my vision I saw us all finding that Tea plantation.
- Peachy mate. The same kind of vision where I end up DYING all the time?!
- Aye. But it's a necessary sacrifice. See you in another life brotha'!
- The Island showed me that plantation in my dreams too... I was hunting 4 boars when I saw an 8 stones totem. It pointed right at the vast green splendour. It was 15 yards big and it had 16 different cultivars. After 23 minutes of walk I arrived at a little river which lead to a cave... Then and there, I received the answer to life, the universe and everything.
- And what would that be, Mr. Clean ?
- Coming from that cave was a bright light, the heart of the Island... and ringing in my mind was the number 42---

Let's be boldly but deviously obvious.
Let's face it: Tea is---
- Awesome, dude.
- Well yes, everyone enjoys it in Iraq too, hence it's not a very good torture argument.
- Hey wait Ali. You're not going to tie me up to a tree again, are ya?
- No James, he's not. We've been brought here for a reason, and this Tea might be a key.
- Oh don't talk to me about purpose! Like the same meaningless key we've been pushing every 108 minutes for weeks ?!
- Hey calm down Doc! I'm sure Shaft has an explanation here.
- Of course. Why do you think I built a church... it is part of the great design.
- Yeah, and then your Jesus stick will lead us to the Holy Weed ?
- If you bring any of that stuff near my Aaron...
- ?
- Well well, looks like Chewy came to the party.
- Show some respect brotha', else I you might mysteriously run out of that scotch---
- Son of a...
- Put your gun back in your pants, Sawyer.
- Hey freckles, what's on your mind ?
- Well I need a gun and you don't get to ask why.
- Well, Thelma, seeing as I got all the guns, I do get to ask why.
- Well Daddy's at it again.
- I need a gun too, I'm going to take my son back!!!
- What do you know about guns, anyway, Hoss.
- Hoy! You little boys are done with your toys ? This place is Death if we don't stick to the plan.
- Where did Red come from?
- You better all listen to her... it's risky but I have a plan.
- Welcome to the meeting, Twitchy. What's your plan ?
- I'm gonna detonate a Hydrogen bomb...
- Don't be so hasty, brotha'. In my vision I saw us all finding that Tea plantation.
- Peachy mate. The same kind of vision where I end up DYING all the time?!
- Aye. But it's a necessary sacrifice. See you in another life brotha'!
- The Island showed me that plantation in my dreams too... I was hunting 4 boars when I saw an 8 stones totem. It pointed right at the vast green splendour. It was 15 yards big and it had 16 different cultivars. After 23 minutes of walk I arrived at a little river which lead to a cave... Then and there, I received the answer to life, the universe and everything.
- And what would that be, Mr. Clean ?
- Coming from that cave was a bright light, the heart of the Island... and ringing in my mind was the number 42---


Long time no are you ?