i really need to stop parking my vehicles. first the shiney shiney new lx 150 gets knocked over on a curb by some sweet, but somewhat blind old lady, putting a nice 10 inch crease in the right cowl (3 weeks and $1200 to repair, owch). and now, i wake up to find that some grocery store worker, on her way into work, falls asleep at the wheel, smashing some saturn into my truck. thank god i have no crumple zones. the plastic saturn is fucked, and i have no body damage. but my grill is crushed in, and it looks like i need a new fan and radiator. but, no rental car for me, 'cause of course, the woman gave a fake insurance card to the cops. and i don't have car rental insurance. so, i get to go metro! yip-fucking-ee. god, please someone make august stop. i swear i'm writing a country song about august 05.