coolest thing ever.

Happy Birthday!

hope you are enjoying it smile

No scoot yet. Decided to continue paying off debt until it's all gone... Took me three years to get all that debt, and three years of squealing poverty to pay it off. I will send in the scoot in the next month or so. Got a minicooper though, maybe we can race?

maybe it's shallow,
but i got a new red leather seat for my scooter.
and it just makes me happy as shit when i see it.

i think if i ever get a chrome kit that i might just pee myself.
you're doing more peeing than Joe today. Red is such a very happy color, isn't it?

Can't wait for my scooter to get rehabbed. I have the money set aside in the bank so cross your fingers that my car doesn't break down, in the usual I-sense-there-is-some-actual-saving-going-on-in-your-bank kinda way...

[Edited on Jan 11, 2006 2:12PM]
i'm outside on my bike in the cold, playing tag with cars and coughing up my lungs. and i realize how insulated i am from the world;
plugged into my shuffle,
cellie hitting my leg,
glasses on to keep the flotsam and bits out of my eyes.

it actually made me ill, all this artifice to keep things out.
so i unplugged.
turned off.
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that's an amazing image...

I called Noho scooters, they are gonna clean her up for me, then we can take her for a spin...
"...capture the silence that underlies this interval of noise called life. that silence is your deepest essence."

may your new year be marked by the joy of doing nothing.
may this year bring you the fullness that is between words,
and may all of us experience the wisdom of not knowing.
Happy New Year!

I actually went to Tropical this AM. I thought there was a mtg at 8:30 but no one was there... then I went to Bliss for a 1:30 but that starts at 2:30.

I am glad I am starting a New Year. I need a re-boot.

Scootering sounds fantastic. I am taking my baby in for a tune-up.. any recommendation?
found this old email exchange today amongst the clutter of 1's and 0's:

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: xxxx
Date: Aug 13, 2004 01:59 PM

well. i'm glad you decided to write me today, to find me however you did.
in the realization of imperminence and the practice of unattachment-- how do you suppose true love is possible and what is your opinion of...
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hey what's your email...I have a copy of the meetings for you biggrin
I am in your hood now. I want to go scootering?
shopping is not _________
a sport.
a hobby.
a substitute.
a social activity.
quality time.

i'm pretty sure that dating should be kept a safe distance away from me.
i would be better off running with sissors.
or playing in traffic.
or knocking over the vagos' choppers like that scene in pee wee's big adventure.

i don't even think that a burrito would help at this point.

i've decided that books are safe. i like books.

my friend has a unified theory of dating.

dating when you are lonely is like
going to the supermarket when you are hungry.

i've also been directed to date multiple people, so as not to get obsessed on one person.

cause i go straight to that, to obsession, and then wake up one day not liking the person because:
a. i didn't take time getting to know them, and i actually don't care for them.
b. because i spent every waking moment with them, either physically or in my head, and it's just unhuman to like someone you are with constantly. no one can make my life complete, and no one is the answer to happiness.

I know what you mean. But I have tried dating multiple people and it just confuses me. I have been told that boundaries are the key. The idea of letting someone in gradually. It's hard to get it right though.
you are tagged - please tell us 20 interesting things about yourself and your views and tag 5 people.

well, i dont know 5 people on the site yet. (yeah, im kinda quiet at first). but ill play along best i can.

20. i dont like capital letters.
19. burritos are natures perfect food.
18. i really want to go to the lacma muse costume...
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i miss your prose...
congrats on getting your wheels back. I dream of fixing mine up.

Yeah, my life is a bit like a country song right now.. but this too shall pass.

accupuncture is a miracle western medicine doesn't want you to know about.

have a happy turkey day
tonight, dear nobody, as the hot desert winds remind me
of what dry places so many struggled across
toward the elusive dream, the destiny promised.

tonight, i love los angeles.
i love the diners, and the ghost of jim.
i love the feel of hollywood boulevard after midnight.
i love a long drive down sunset past the manicured gates to the ocean.
i love finding...
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You are tagged - please tell us 20 interesting things about yourself and your views and tag 5 people.
so i made me a little discovery today
in my piece of korean automotive technology.
see my as of yet unnamed muscle go-cart
has a tape player.
now, i am indeed sold on this digital age.
i got me mp3s
and a digital camera
and a digital voice recorders
and a stack of blank cds just waiting for me to burn on.

but the other...
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I like that. I don't have a DVD collection. The idea of advancing whole scenes freaks me out. There a great site you should scope out Tinymixtapes.com

Reading Children of the Matrix. Great stuff.
I found a bunch of books this weekend at Angel City used books in Venice Beach, near Gold's Gym