Today I realized that I haven't yet copied Master of Puppets to my iPod! How in the hell have I not noticed that in the past? That is probably my favorite Metallica album!
So today I had a 12 1/2 hour work day, 9 hours of which were spent driving! God that is alot of time in a car. I went up to Grand Rapids to say farewell to some friends that I have up at our GR location. I used to work for them and have kept up with quite a few of them. Leaving this job has been a very strange experience. Some people have just given me the "Oh, that's great. Good luck" and others have been very stange about things. I'm getting alot of people freaking out saying how they can't believe that I'm leaving and it just isn't going to be the same without me. I guess that's good, but it's just kind of freaking me out a bit. The Indy branch that I actually work for hasn't said much of anything other then "Sweet, now we can have a cookout as your going away party". Kind of fucked up.
I have been in a funky mood as of late. This move is probably the biggest dicision that I have ever made. But it doesn't even feel real. I am fully aware of all of the changes that are to come and have thought about them over and over but the actual fact that I am moving half way across the country hasn't really set in yet. I think I should be freaking out about moving, but I'm really just like "Hey, lets do it... i guess". For now I will just blame it on the complete lack of sun in Indiana and say that it has me in a funk.
Bass players go listen to Metallica - (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth off of Kill 'Em All
Actually everyone go listen. I think it's pretty unusual and kick ass... and on top of that, it's a bass solo
Piece bitch!
OH yeah! And I must get my Ptah tattoo ASAP!!!!! As soon as I get to Denver I'm looking for a shop!
So today I had a 12 1/2 hour work day, 9 hours of which were spent driving! God that is alot of time in a car. I went up to Grand Rapids to say farewell to some friends that I have up at our GR location. I used to work for them and have kept up with quite a few of them. Leaving this job has been a very strange experience. Some people have just given me the "Oh, that's great. Good luck" and others have been very stange about things. I'm getting alot of people freaking out saying how they can't believe that I'm leaving and it just isn't going to be the same without me. I guess that's good, but it's just kind of freaking me out a bit. The Indy branch that I actually work for hasn't said much of anything other then "Sweet, now we can have a cookout as your going away party". Kind of fucked up.
I have been in a funky mood as of late. This move is probably the biggest dicision that I have ever made. But it doesn't even feel real. I am fully aware of all of the changes that are to come and have thought about them over and over but the actual fact that I am moving half way across the country hasn't really set in yet. I think I should be freaking out about moving, but I'm really just like "Hey, lets do it... i guess". For now I will just blame it on the complete lack of sun in Indiana and say that it has me in a funk.
Bass players go listen to Metallica - (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth off of Kill 'Em All
Actually everyone go listen. I think it's pretty unusual and kick ass... and on top of that, it's a bass solo
Piece bitch!
OH yeah! And I must get my Ptah tattoo ASAP!!!!! As soon as I get to Denver I'm looking for a shop!
Oh, and 5 years out of Indiana and going strong.
Fuck it, man. What's keeping you here?
sorry I couldn't read you journal. I'll read it later and comment on it for real rather than just thank you for indulging me.
And how can you not like Firefly if you like buffy and angel?