Has been a while since I posted in here. This place is great! Something about its mere simplicity: its ability to be so utterly fucking cute: its a nice change from the intellectual snobbery at more "sophisticated" places like barbelith. What I need is a medium between the two, which is why I'm gonna start a new website soon.
Out of the net and into the meat? Where to begin about this last month? After San Francisco I flew to DC and hooked up with a hot chick named Katina and went to the emergency white house anti-war rally and took a bus to see my friend Amy in a little Virginia town called Blacksburg and took a bus to Texas and attended a pro-war rally in Dallas (gotta love the contrast) and went kayaking and hooked up with my friends Human Marvels in Austin (what a great fucking show!) and flew back to San Francisco where I went to the most badass party ever: Survival Research Labs. Dedededum. It was here that I discovered my true "cause," which was not to go to rallys (besides- breakaway protests don't work when you've just gotten new piercings because if they arrest you- well- jail it is and- well- they make you remove that shit and- well- it's all a bunch of power games if you ask me) but to go to crazy ass robotronic events. Let's just say that what goes on at a SRL party is like what went on in Vietnam in that you would have needed to be there. My new chant: 1, 2, 3, 4, we don't want your technology war! Wait a minute... ya we do!
Could be a good writer in regards to this entry, but I'm having too much fun to worry about coming off as witty in a place that caters to the sexual impulses of guys with a fetish for the counter cultural counterparts of Daisy Fuentes. At least it's not Pamela Anderson we're dealing with.
Out of the net and into the meat? Where to begin about this last month? After San Francisco I flew to DC and hooked up with a hot chick named Katina and went to the emergency white house anti-war rally and took a bus to see my friend Amy in a little Virginia town called Blacksburg and took a bus to Texas and attended a pro-war rally in Dallas (gotta love the contrast) and went kayaking and hooked up with my friends Human Marvels in Austin (what a great fucking show!) and flew back to San Francisco where I went to the most badass party ever: Survival Research Labs. Dedededum. It was here that I discovered my true "cause," which was not to go to rallys (besides- breakaway protests don't work when you've just gotten new piercings because if they arrest you- well- jail it is and- well- they make you remove that shit and- well- it's all a bunch of power games if you ask me) but to go to crazy ass robotronic events. Let's just say that what goes on at a SRL party is like what went on in Vietnam in that you would have needed to be there. My new chant: 1, 2, 3, 4, we don't want your technology war! Wait a minute... ya we do!
Could be a good writer in regards to this entry, but I'm having too much fun to worry about coming off as witty in a place that caters to the sexual impulses of guys with a fetish for the counter cultural counterparts of Daisy Fuentes. At least it's not Pamela Anderson we're dealing with.
break me off some void. heavy on the form.