Psychic propaganda, anyone?
In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: the possibility of me being from another dimension is quite logical. In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: encountering an individual who is able to display how far off the deep end they've gone is a pleasure. In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: an individual gone publicly off the deep end is more appealing than the shallow: even if the individual will inevitably murder you.
"It's good conversation, hey."
What to do? Come out of the closet!
We should also work on changing the "in public." This <i>is</i> the key. If we continue to hide our "bizarre thought patterns" we will continue to feel a sense of mental isolation. My self declared mission is to help our generation overcome this mental isolation, and my goal is a public display of paradigm shifting. We've kept it under the covers too long, and it's time to unleash the secret.
"But I tried!" you exclaim. "I'd unleash it to anyone who'd listen, not to mention a bunch of people who wouldn't. Slowly I realized that very few people gave a shit: that I <i>was</i> from another planet: that the people who <i>did</i> give a shit already knew -the secret- anyway."
The secret. Enlightenment. Insanity. Magick. A rose is a rose by any other name. We need not force our "enlightenment" on others, but why must we hide it? Possibilities of getting locked up in state institutions arise, but this is merely because <i>so few people have come out yet</i> (and most people who <i>have</i> come out give us a bad name: the CIA created the "paranoid thinkers" myth: for example) When the <i>happy</i> fringe people begin to come out: when more and more of us <i>stop hiding in the basement</i>: when we've shown the world that we <i>are</i> out of it: mental institutionalization will actually decrease. Proof of this is organized religion. If one person were to state that the world was created by an entity called Morgan Magnitude: his peers would call him nutso. They'd attempt to have him locked up. If millions and millions of people were to state that the world was created by an entity called God: everything would be peachy, carrotheads. (and this God entity might even come into existence)
If thousands and thousands of people were to state that they were the next step of evolution....
In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: the possibility of me being from another dimension is quite logical. In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: encountering an individual who is able to display how far off the deep end they've gone is a pleasure. In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: an individual gone publicly off the deep end is more appealing than the shallow: even if the individual will inevitably murder you.
"It's good conversation, hey."
What to do? Come out of the closet!
We should also work on changing the "in public." This <i>is</i> the key. If we continue to hide our "bizarre thought patterns" we will continue to feel a sense of mental isolation. My self declared mission is to help our generation overcome this mental isolation, and my goal is a public display of paradigm shifting. We've kept it under the covers too long, and it's time to unleash the secret.
"But I tried!" you exclaim. "I'd unleash it to anyone who'd listen, not to mention a bunch of people who wouldn't. Slowly I realized that very few people gave a shit: that I <i>was</i> from another planet: that the people who <i>did</i> give a shit already knew -the secret- anyway."
The secret. Enlightenment. Insanity. Magick. A rose is a rose by any other name. We need not force our "enlightenment" on others, but why must we hide it? Possibilities of getting locked up in state institutions arise, but this is merely because <i>so few people have come out yet</i> (and most people who <i>have</i> come out give us a bad name: the CIA created the "paranoid thinkers" myth: for example) When the <i>happy</i> fringe people begin to come out: when more and more of us <i>stop hiding in the basement</i>: when we've shown the world that we <i>are</i> out of it: mental institutionalization will actually decrease. Proof of this is organized religion. If one person were to state that the world was created by an entity called Morgan Magnitude: his peers would call him nutso. They'd attempt to have him locked up. If millions and millions of people were to state that the world was created by an entity called God: everything would be peachy, carrotheads. (and this God entity might even come into existence)
If thousands and thousands of people were to state that they were the next step of evolution....