I'm back again...again...
Things have been interesting, though overly dramatic, as is the nature of the beast, I suppose. I still work in Chicago, though I am currently trying to decide my next move. I've narrowed it down to either Las Vegas or New Orleans. I'd much rather go back to the South, but Vegas certainly has a great deal more work available. Still, the bayou draws me, and that seems like the place I'd be happiest.
Also, it appears I will be getting divorced here shortly. I'm not a fan, but sometimes these things happen, and I'd rather her find someone she can have a good future with than have us both live in an unhappy marriage.
Still, fuck this. I'm only meant for joyful things. Like dogs. I'm looking to funnel all of my love into a canine(aside from the love I funnel into my feline...maybe that's the problem?). For some reason, German Shepards have been all over the place for me. I rarely consider them when looking for animals, but there are so many that have been abandoned it's difficult not to run out and grab two at the very least. I'm also going for a beautiful pittie that was left in a parking lot recently.
Well...there's the update. I'll try and actually be around, though who knows?
Jacob out...