I just felt like sharing this picture. Porbeck told me that at first he thought the beach was haunted, until he remembered that ghosts don't have beards. I don't really care for how I look in it, but I was certainly enjoying myself, as you can tell by the multiple drinks in hand.

I'm pretty worn out right now, but I think getting an hour and a half of sleep this morning did me wonders. I've gotten up the energy to make a pot roast, and I may go ahead and actually play some WoW, or perhaps try and watch some episodes of old television shows.
I have a cricket in my house that is telling me that the temperature is seventy-eight degrees. Nice.

I'm pretty worn out right now, but I think getting an hour and a half of sleep this morning did me wonders. I've gotten up the energy to make a pot roast, and I may go ahead and actually play some WoW, or perhaps try and watch some episodes of old television shows.
I have a cricket in my house that is telling me that the temperature is seventy-eight degrees. Nice.
I must tell you that Cadbury Creme Eggs are my all-time favorite treats on the planet Earth. When I was little...the only thing I ever asked for on Easter was a truckload of Cadbury Eggs. My mom would hide them around the house for me on Easter Morning...fucking hundreds of them! It used to take me a couple hours to find them all...then I would put them all in a huge basket and sit there staring at them, feeling like Princess Mary with a pot of gold. My mother stopped that wonderful tradition after she finally realized that all those hundreds of eggs could not survive in my posession for more than a day.
I feel like killing myself all year until I see those happy little eggs on the Walgreens shelf at Easter time.