Wow ! look I'm home on a Friday .. laaaame
This week has been great overall - the weather rocks, I've moved from burned to tanned ( always takes my skin a bit of time to adjust to light ) -- I'm starting w/ the gym next week ( or so ) and I generally like it all right now
I need to find a new place to live - hanging around home between school ( old school which I never finished and new school which I plan on attending fall 2005 ) is not going to work - it'll put a kink on my saving extra money while I work, but c'est la vie .. I need to get away from home now that I can actually afford to.
95% I'll be moving in with an old highschool friend Alex who's back in town ( well has been for a few months ) from teaching in Korea; should be fun - we'll get ourselves a slummy apartment and well .. slum.
Still can't get over how much fun I had last week in Toronto - I kinda wish we were having another party already ( though the 5 hour drive, not so hot .. )
Ah well .. back to doing nothing on a Friday ( no worries.. got things to do tomorrow )
This week has been great overall - the weather rocks, I've moved from burned to tanned ( always takes my skin a bit of time to adjust to light ) -- I'm starting w/ the gym next week ( or so ) and I generally like it all right now
I need to find a new place to live - hanging around home between school ( old school which I never finished and new school which I plan on attending fall 2005 ) is not going to work - it'll put a kink on my saving extra money while I work, but c'est la vie .. I need to get away from home now that I can actually afford to.
95% I'll be moving in with an old highschool friend Alex who's back in town ( well has been for a few months ) from teaching in Korea; should be fun - we'll get ourselves a slummy apartment and well .. slum.
Still can't get over how much fun I had last week in Toronto - I kinda wish we were having another party already ( though the 5 hour drive, not so hot .. )
Ah well .. back to doing nothing on a Friday ( no worries.. got things to do tomorrow )
ta - hopefully we'll have a bunch more up before the week's through :]