As ordered, I'm updating -
Not too much to say today. I'm in the middle of a short work week, as I'm off Thursday and Friday - I have yet to find an interesting New Years party, but I hopefully will find somewhere to go by then..
Still no word on the friend/ email address, but I'm not gonna get all outa whack over it any more - he 'seems' to be trying to get it, but who knows when that'll work out. Life doesn't always work the way you tell it to anyways, so I'll just go with the flow on this one - seems to work better than trying too hard when it comes to this sort of thing, you just end up stressing too much otherwise heh..
Edit : Oh man - New Years looks to be a bust - not much seems to be going on w/ people I know and I'm starting to get frustrated over that - I want to go out and do /something/ but noone else seems to want to..
Not too much to say today. I'm in the middle of a short work week, as I'm off Thursday and Friday - I have yet to find an interesting New Years party, but I hopefully will find somewhere to go by then..
Still no word on the friend/ email address, but I'm not gonna get all outa whack over it any more - he 'seems' to be trying to get it, but who knows when that'll work out. Life doesn't always work the way you tell it to anyways, so I'll just go with the flow on this one - seems to work better than trying too hard when it comes to this sort of thing, you just end up stressing too much otherwise heh..
Edit : Oh man - New Years looks to be a bust - not much seems to be going on w/ people I know and I'm starting to get frustrated over that - I want to go out and do /something/ but noone else seems to want to..
THAT is worse than sitting home doing nothing.