i s.pilt beer on8 my k0eyboard4.p n8o shit.p this is un8ed4ited4.p
fuck0in8g mother cun8t fuck0er
i wan8t to fix it but this is almost a n8ew ty.pe of lan8guage.p
giv6in8g u.p d4rin8k0in8g is really hard4.p i'm tryin8g an8d4 it's better than8 i thought but still hard4 at that same time.p hon8est
this message has been8 brought to you by fuct u.p k0eyboard4 circuits
fuck0in8g mother cun8t fuck0er
i wan8t to fix it but this is almost a n8ew ty.pe of lan8guage.p
giv6in8g u.p d4rin8k0in8g is really hard4.p i'm tryin8g an8d4 it's better than8 i thought but still hard4 at that same time.p hon8est
this message has been8 brought to you by fuct u.p k0eyboard4 circuits