Here I am Monday will be two weeks since I had back surgery. I am doing very well and most of the pain is gone!!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend cos I know I am!!! I have been spending time with a very special lady that has come into my life and oh how I love it!!! It has been eight years since I dated last due to my fear of being hurt again cos I am a very sensitive person. . .dont like being hurt or hurting someone. Being around her I feel like I have known her forever and like she is my best freind!!! I am very thankful for each and everyone of you for being there for me and the words of encoragement you all have given in this very stressful time with my surgery. . .Love You All and Thank You!!! Hugs to all of you

Goodness, thank you so much for the comment. <3
I went for my 2 week follow up yesterday and the surgeon said everything looks great!!! I am at home now and so nice to be there cos I must say I was getting a little home sick. . . I met this really wonderful lady and we went out a couple of times and spent the day together and I must say it was very nice!!! I feel so alive when I am with her!!! It is too bad that not to long ago she was really hurt by her ex and now I am paying for what he done cos she is scared that I will do the same to her. . .I really want to be with her and not sure how to help her see that I am not going to hurt her. . .Anyone have advice please share it with me. . .Other than that I am doing ok but get borred cos I cant do much until my back has healed. . .HUGS to all my SG Freinds; Jerry