Ok so, I'm new to SG now, still not live yet, but it's all good. Have recently been doin alot of new things in life lately, but I must admit that it's a nice change.
I recently stopped dancing in my city, getting tired of the business & the way us girls get treated (been dancing for about 4 yrs I'd say-time to stop). I'll probably still dance for fun when I go to other states for fun-ya know to pay my way through the trip-but for the most part I'm trying to retire outta my stripperhood. Now, I have become a professional booze slinger @ a couple of the popular local hangouts. I have to admit it's alot of fun & a hella lot less drama.
Suffering abit now w/ the bills, now that I'm not making the same income (scary being so broke). Just had to tell my landlord that I would have to pay the rent late & I gotta bunch of other late bills-but I'm hoping that if I ride this out that it'll all work out ok. Dunno......we'll have to wait & see, huh.
Going to Vegs January 13 for a week or two to work abit & have some fun. Oooo!.... and I'm goin to the AVN awards (porno award ceremony) I'm so excited-gonna take lotsa pics! I will also be goin back to New Orleans in February for Mardi Gras-been to New Orleans a couple different times, just never done Mardi Gras before.
So I guess one could say that life is takin me down a very different road right now-but what can I say other than hold on tight for the ride!

Happy naked new year!