I'm back from Charleston. I had so much fun and I haven't felt this relaxed in a really long time. I need to make a habit of getting out of Fayetteville every chance that I get!
First I stopped in Wilmington to see my little sister the night before my jump. We had lunch at a crepery before I headed to Southport. I found this... Read More
I just got finished with my first tandem jump over the coast! I'm addicted and already want to go again. I think this first one spoiled me though, cause it was over the ocean. I think it be fun no matter where I did it, but I'm going to stick to diving over the coast from now on, because there is nothing like the view!... Read More
It looks like I'm changing my vacation from Montreal to Charleston. Planning the Canada trip is proving to be very stressful with dealing with passport issues and now I can't rent a car. A vacation should not be this stressful! I'm sure I'll have a blast in Charleston and once I finally get my passport and a better car, I can take that road trip... Read More
I'm starting school on Wednesday! I will be in class from 9AM to 3PM almost everyday with no lunch breaks, and that's just for 3 of my classes that I'm attending on campus. I'm also taking two more online classes and working! Gonna be a very busy girl, as always. I can't wait for my trip to Canada in April. I'm counting down the days... Read More
I don't think I'm ever truly going to be happy if I keep making decisions that make most of the people I care about happy but aren't what I really want. Not happy at all
Been busy lately! I've discovered an Asian super market in town and I've been going there almost every day, lately. I've discovered a lot of great foods and I have also discovered that I'm apparently the only one that loves candied ginger. Classes this semester will be over in 2 weeks and I won't have school for almost a month. This leads to more free... Read More
School is a lot of fun right now. So far I have a pretty high "A" in my pre-calculus class and I'm doing ok in my circuit analysis class. Would like to be doing a little better in that class but I have plenty of time to bring my "B" up to an "A".
I bought a car yesterday! I haven't had one in about... Read More
I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I posted a new blog. I wish I could say I will post more often but starting the 20th I will be working full time and going to school full time, so I'm gonna have my hands full! I am so ready to be back in school. I get to take advanced math and physics... Read More
So, I have had a lot of bad luck in the past 2 years but this past week has been awesome! I hope this good luck will bring me a new car soon. I finally fixed my laptop and since I'm up late and my webcam is now up and running, well, I decided to take more photos ! Sorry for the photo overload:
You know I kind of remembered when i first started commenting on your blogs(before I disappeared from the site for over a year ), that you lived in San Antonio. I tried looking through your previous blogs on why you moved out to NC, but i couldn't find anything. I did find a great collection of pics. Very stunning!
I'm glad to see you went for the historic side of Charleston!!! It's so beautiful, especially this time of year!!!
Skydiving is on my bucket-list. That being said, how was it?