So I am in Pakistan. Islamabad to be exact. And it's very strange to be here. Not in a bad way, on the contrary mon amis, it is quite interesting and very unique. I had forgotten how much I like the language here; Urdu is a crazy amalgamation of Farsi and Hindi with sporadic Dari and Pashtu mixed in as well. And the culture is truly amazing... I was surprised to find how generous they are. Something very much lacking in a lot of spots on the globe these days.
OK, so enough of that. What up, homeslizzles? Yea, I went there. I will have some pics form here to share eventually, still finding my way around town. But it is so much fun to drive in a new city and get lost and then find your way again. I think I need to find a traveling partner in crime... oh, the places we'll go and the interesting photos we'll have for SG.
OK, so enough of that. What up, homeslizzles? Yea, I went there. I will have some pics form here to share eventually, still finding my way around town. But it is so much fun to drive in a new city and get lost and then find your way again. I think I need to find a traveling partner in crime... oh, the places we'll go and the interesting photos we'll have for SG.

hello! i see that you're in baltimore, i want to move there so bad!

I look forward to seeing photos of your adventures my dear