so, im gonna be a father. soon. and its as nerve racking and exciting as every cliche you've ever heard. i don't think it's going to be real for me until i hold my daughter in my arms...but even then, the reality of it will come in waves, incrementally...the first time i hear "daddy" coming from her mouth, the first decision she makes on her...
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so, i enjoy playing poker. not just the activity, but what comes with it. camaraderie, fellowship, smoke, and competition. i am not a competitive person by nature, but there is a palpable sense of accomplishment when you rake chips. most of my poker friends play online, but i don't get nearly the same experience out of it as i do a live game. i have...
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so, blogging has always seemed a form of masturbation to me, but i guess it's something i should start trying to do...i guess for posterity, and perhaps as something i can let my kid(s) read later on in life to shed some light on why their dad is so weird...
this being my first blog entry, im sort of at a loss as to what...
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