the best new si ever got. so i was siting around listning to turbonegro thinking about how i want some pizza but i can't afford any. so like 10 mins later my dad calls up and says that later today he's waching the red sox a's game with some freinds and that there gting pizza and wings and asked told me to come over. i hope this patern continues thoughout the day, such as i'de like my guitar cab to get fixed, and i'de like to find some money
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 14, 2009
so i'm buying my buddy's 72 dodge dart swinger, i'm pretty excited a… -
Monday Jul 27, 2009
i have been very good. lets see the new parker books came out, we pla… -
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
i have a girlfriend now she is pretty awesome -
Monday Jun 08, 2009
i am really in no mood to go to work today. i could tell you the last… -
Thursday Jun 04, 2009
how is it possible to wake up more sore all over, when you went to be… -
Tuesday Jun 02, 2009
mmm lets see, i bought a new guitar yesterday, the wilshire reissue, … -
Thursday Mar 19, 2009
you got me humming baby -
Saturday Mar 07, 2009
so i asked a girl out, first one in a while, got shot down -
Sunday Mar 01, 2009
i was kept up all night because my roommate decided to do coke all ni… -
Monday Feb 16, 2009
last night i had a few too many martinis, parts of the night are miss…