today was a weird day, so i went to bed at 330 ish woke up at 8 to go to work, freaked out over something, went on a hour and half long delivery for work, and while i did that i smoked about half a pack of ciggerates(idon't really smoke) and thought about gi joe the whole time, and not like oh man rember this or that in the comic, like about how zartan deals with his daughter, does he want her to follow in his footsteps bla bla bla i must ave thought about this for like 4 hours today, we also kicked te drumer to our band out, he lives with me so its kind of akward or well hell just moop around for a while and i'm guessing move out we'll see what happens, tour is coming up soon, i guess were not playing ohio and playing north carolina or something i don't know the details to anything about the tour, all they have to do is tell me were to drive, man i hope i think about nothing but gi joe on the tour, it will be a nice change of pace, i also got a new tattoo, its a ww2 f4u corsair not to detalied just black and some shading i'm into it
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