my room-mate is sleeping on the couch snoring, its gross, no work or school tomorrow, i have a bunch of school work to do that i've been puting off, i can't wait to be done i'm so sick of school, i sold a guitar today, a little closer to geting a van, i need to make some more quick cash, maybe i should sell my hot body
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 14, 2013
so my bride of 1 and 11 months decided she doesnt want to be with me … -
Monday Aug 12, 2013
well fuck.... -
Thursday Aug 08, 2013
so the band i would say was my "big i toured this this band and put o… -
Saturday Aug 03, 2013
It's never good when you wake up pissed off and that's what I did, no… -
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
I had a dream last night that I saw the devil and it was a black hai… -
Saturday Jul 20, 2013
The wife is out of town this weekend but I'm stuck working a " super … -
Friday Jul 19, 2013
Good lord it's hot out -
Thursday Jul 11, 2013
hell yes just found out my bands playing with tragedy next month! -
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
I have a bunch of " chores " I have to get down today like mow the la… -
Saturday May 11, 2013
I just had two gallons of paint blow up in a paint shaker within seco…